Or, towards positive, humanistic, speculative bio-design

TLDR: I discuss how I think about biodesign and differentiate my view form others. I begin to outline what’s entailed in a human oriented approach t… I note favorite works and what I like about them.

Endorses the health of other

Also note important outstanding questions

Attempt to scope this as consistent with Jason Crawford, Epstein, Rand, frameworks

Notes the immense usefulness of bio-inspired design, awareness of other organisms and systems in or relating to our surroundings and during any design process, the utility of biological analogy in analysis and design of varied systems (social, mechanical, digital), the utility of studying the sensorial perspectives of other animals as A) inspiration for novel human sensory experiences (e.g. sensory augmentation or enhancement via wearable equipment, or immersive spatial experiences that focus on

Opens up the entire array of non-human organisms to the application of human agency for the enrichment of the human experience